Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Halloween Party

Breakfast Club Members,
As time is getting closer we need to start getting our Halloween plans together. So with that said, Elena (or not sure which of Maribel's friend) makes cupcakes. Lily sent me a pic but I can't send pics so it suxs.(phone is down cause of tmobile issues) Anyhow, they are really cute but she sells the dozen for 9bux. Do you guys think we shld pitch in and have her make them OR we shld make them ourselves. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE reply and give me your input. I hate that I post and I never get any feed back from anyone. It's sort of annoying and I'm on the verge of terminating our blog. So please let me know something!

Lil' Messy

My Family

I just wanted to thank you all for taking the time and getting together for my b-day. I means a lot to me that the effort was made because I wont be here. T hank you for ALWAYS acknowledging me on my day!! I loved all the gifts ... Thanks again :) Love you all

Love Always,
Lil' Messy :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Breakfast Club Halloween Party

Hello Members,
I have not heard back from anyone yet as to what we’re going to do for the party and effective tomorrow it is October 1st, leaving us only 30 days to plan!!! I have taken the initiative of buying some decorations and ordering stuff online from Oriental Trading to get things rolling. We haven’t discussed food or should I say “finger foods” and what all we’re pitching in for.

- Lily: You said this Saturday (I Hope with out a doubt we will be cleaning Maribel’s garage…I'm hoping we can start putting up the black garbage bags) In addition what else will you be assisting with?

- The Colemans: I know you guys have been more than generous in lending your home so I’m not sure what you guys can helpwith?.

- Dalila: Will you still be participating or are you out? (no pressure just wondering)

I’m trying to just get a feel of what we need to do and get started. Also have you guys sent out the invitation to your “invites” for the party? Please respond to all this … I would really really appreciate it! Thanks

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I know we've discussed this whole thing about the holidays not working well with others..blah blah blah!

I'm not sure where we're having Thanksgiving this year but I was thinking if we do celebrate it at someone's house how about we plan some activities. We play games, make some yummy dishes and even make some activities for the kids. We can make it even more fun by dressing up as Indians :) (yes I'm always finding a reason to dress up in a ) Anyhow I just think it would be fun if we hung out, did some activities and just enjoyed one another. I can make some cute activities for the kids and even us adults. I just want something different this year.

And if we're just not really gonna do the whole hanging out thing...that's cool too! I just want to know so I can leave

So what ya'll think gang... can we plan something fun?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Constructive Criticism

So what is constructive criticism? How do you give constructive criticism? Well for givers, you're not just gonna tell a person you don't like something on them just cause that's your opinion.But saying "Oh that dress looks nice on you" would be a way to give constructive criticism. Now lets not misinterpret this whole talk about giving constructive criticism. We don't have to walk on egg shells now and have to wonder if we're saying the wrong thing ..blah blah blah! We should be able to express ourselves but we don't have to express ourselves in a negative way. Does that make sense?

For example, I'm not gonna call my sister and tell her "Omg why do you guys live on the Northside its so ghetto!" Hmm, hello...she has a house and I still live with my mom so was there any room for me to make that comment? No! I don't own anything and they do. So who cares that its not in Katy, The Woodlands or Sugarland.... its a house they own and will be able to sell for more money once the metro rail is built. So instead I should congratulate her and tell her that I"m so happy they bought their first house as a couple! And it is a nice house as well!

In other words.... DON'T HATE, CONGRATULATE!!!

I just wanted to post a little article I found about what "constructive criticism" is. We have the right to voice our opinion. We're not always going to agree with one another, we're not always going to have the same thoughts...that's what makes us unique as human beings.

So here is a little something for you guys to read and apply to your personal life. This article applies to life in general. Relationships at work, school,family,your children or spouse.

Here is the thought of the day.... Family is the most effective form of government. - Robert Half

Constructive criticism is criticism kindly meant that has a goal of improving some area of another’s person’s life or work. Often constructive criticism refers specifically to the critique of someone else’s written or artistic work, in perhaps a teacher/student setting, that would allow that person to further improve the work or to improve their approach to future endeavors. However, constructive criticism can also apply to a critical reasoned analysis of a person’s behavior, as in a patient/therapist setting or a group therapy setting. Parents also try to employ constructive criticism to help their children improve their lives.

The trouble with constructive criticism is that not all people are receptive to it. They may either feel their self-esteem shrinking under criticism, or they may feel that all criticism is negative. This can destroy the intent of constructive criticism.
Further, not all people who think they are employing constructive criticism are actually being helpful. They may think all criticism is helpful and may not spare the person any details or couch the criticism in ways least likely to make a person defensive. Communication is loaded with multiple intentions, especially in a parent/child or spousal relationships. Thus people may not know how to actually employ a critique of one aspect of a person without involving their own feelings or frustration that make a critique negative.

The link below is steps to giving constructive criticism, what to do and not to do... Please take some time out and read a few points.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Love and Respect!

I was just thinking about how we as a family aren't very loving towards one another. I know it has something to do with us being "Mexican", but I remember when Teto passed away I was hugging everyone, and it wasn't just a "hey you" kinda hug, it was more like I love you and I never want to loose you hug. Now that time has gone by I/we take each other for granted and we're back to the "hey you" again. I know we've exposed some terrible dark secrets in our family that are enough to make anyone depressed or overprotective but it has also drawn us apart. I just wanted to ask that we try to remember the good times and try talk at least once a day whether it's by phone, email, text, myspace, facebook, or blogg! Also, we are so quick to judge one another in a negative way and that needs to STOP! If we must give our opinion or advise please make it constrictive criticism not negative or sarcastic (you know who you are)! We shouldn't feel insecure when we're around each other. Why do we have to criticize what we're wearing, how much we weigh, if we have money, if we don't have money, what we drive, etc.... I just can't imagine my life without Dalila (She's always there when I need her) Maribel (keeps me laughing) Marvin (really keeps me laughing) Marisol (my road dog) Cynthia (She got her a Gooood man!) and the list goes on.... I would be fake if I said that I wanted to be "close" to all my siblings but we need to make the best of a situation for the sake of Mom and Dad and our own kids otherwise they'll be distant first cousins and that's terrible ........just remember when the world hands you lemons, make limonada!

thank you. thank you. thank you. (theresa)lol
luv ya'll
Capitan #1

Monday, June 29, 2009


Because I like to make sure everyone is acknowledged on their day (even if its member's kids) I just wanted to send a birthday shout out to Sami & Brauli Ortiz. Sami's birthday was this Saturday and Tito's is today. So take some time out and give these guys a call to wish them a Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday guys!!!

In other news, guess who's dog made "dog of the week"? Well my niece, Dana...the worlds best Great Dane made dog of the week at her doggy daycare. Please visit to see Dana on the website. :) Congrats Dana!!!


Capitan in progress!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Boo-boo da Foo New Jersey Housewives Reunion!

Who the hell watched the second part of the Housewives of New Jersey Reunion??? All I have to say is that I have ruined to of my training days to watch this crap for nothing. It was the same crap over and over and to top it off they didn't even get to the bottom of anything.

How is Caroline going to be pissed at something and then not even bring it out to the public? Then Dina wanna be acting like "oh Caroline just stop talking about it" You know what, Caroline & Dina....ya'll are both garbage for not letting us know what the whole madness was about. Here your viewers are waiting to hear why you all despise Danielle so much and ya'll give us NOTHING! NOTHING I SAY!! How about ya'll can both suck it for leaving us hanging like that.

Teresa, is her usual self. Just cute, with no worries in the world. When I grow up I think i want to be Teresa. Oh and not to mention her cute stocky husband with all the money. We also learned that Teresa is also pregnant. I'm so excited to see her baby as well. I think her baby will be cute just as all her little girls are. Its obvious her daughter loves the camera so I don't think she's that big of a "show mom" although she does have some traits. So she might want to accept that. Which there is nothing wrong with that, she just wants her daughter to be the best!

Danielle, poor girl. Will she ever get out of the drama and stop trying to live this life that really doesn't exists? I"m mean really? So now you're looking back and realizing you were listening to "he say, she say" stuff? Give me a break. As bad as I wanna feel for her because they all gang up on her (with the exception of Jacqueline) I can't seem to believe her 100%! For the sake of her girls, she really needs to change her way of life. I feel horrible for what she went through. She was molested at a young age, adopted, abused ... I mean really, those are all signs of wanting to be accepted by others which is why I think she causes the drama. She wants the attention on her? I'm not psychologist but those are my conclusions.

Dina, good ol'lion girl! She's so pretty yet so QUEEN of the jungle! So we find out why her husband is not on the show ever? She has date night and a few nights here and there with him, at least we know now she wasn't making it up. Lucky girl, she gets to make such hard decisions in life. Should I stay home or work? Geez, I thought that answer was obvious??? But I have to give it to her for not wanting to solely depend on her man. She's made a name for herself and now she is just wanting to back away. I wish her the best, maybe one day I too can stay at home and look pretty!

Jacqueline, oh poor baby! She is so caught in the middle of everything. Does she side with her sister-in-laws or does she back up her "delusional" friend? I mean she is really stuck in a sticky situation. She does have a kind heart but from the story Caroline told she doesn't take no crap! Thank God, I was thinking she was just a pushover! Hopefully it will work out for her. Now, can we please tell Jacqueline to go have that baby. Her face is so swollen I just want to get a pin and pop her "water retaining" face! I mean really. Geez, I didn't know that's what happened when a woman got prego! I can't wait to see what her baby will look like!

CAROLINE! QUEEN B BABY!! Man this woman is so hardcore that she can just look at a person and make them feel this small!! I mean she is like "mamma mafia" and you BEST be scared when she talks. I think we should all have one of these in the family. She keeps it together, she's just bossy enough, her siblings respect her and she is just a smart woman. Although I think at times she is mean, she is one BAD-MAMA JAMMA!!! I wish we had one of those in our family! :0)
- All those in favor of voting Lily as Caroline say "I"!"

So what now? Do we start to watch Prep School since this is over? Or Miami social? I'm not sure any of those shows will top the housewives. I truly can't wait for the next season. I'm going to have to admit, this is my favorite houswives. Isn't it weird how there is one favorite character for everyone in each housewives season? For me, Atlanta was the most ghetto and honestly, couldn't relate to any of those women. I couldn't figure them out and they weren't as interesting. So I vote for New Jersey Housewives to come back on. Didn't this season feel super fast to everyone? It did for me!!!

Farewell NEW JERSEY HOUSEWIVES...till next season!

I sent an email to everyone to vote on if we should continue to blog for the breakfast club or cut this blog loose? I still get now feed back. I"m thinking this is the last time I will blog for us since we have nothing to comment about ever! Sad to say , this may be the last season for the breakfast club if I don't get some feedback soon!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Houswives of New Jersey

So Tuesday wasn't too specific about what this whole show will end up like. We discovered that Caroline's father-in-law was "misteriously" murdered. Teresa is prego due to those new breast. Jacqueline is ready to bust and her face is so swollen I wanted to grap a needle and just pop her. Danielle still has drama but we know now that one of her implants has given her some problems.

They really didn't discuss what their issues were all about. Its obvious they hate Danielle but tonight we will hear the big NEWS!! We will discover why Caroline feels Danielle is garbage and will never be her friend. There will be all sort of drama... SO don't forget to blog as soon as you finish watching! Since we're not having our reunion tonight!

We've been slacking on our blog. Lets get back on it folks.

In case you forgot, to leave a comment you just click where it says "comment" you can either create a gmail acct so that it will remember you or you can leave an anonymous comment. Make sure to sign your name at the end so we know who it came from. If you sign in anonymous to avoid creating an acct remember to put ur name.

Anyhow, lets try to keep this up! If you guys prefer not to be a part of it, please let me know so that I can erase our blog? Leave your input as to what we should do? Either erase or keep???

Lets vote!

please vote by leaving a comment on our page. Thanks

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another Birthday

Hello Breakfast Club,
Seems like our members keep getting older and older. j/k Well I just wanted to send a birthday shout out to Santos who's birthday was yesterday. I hope that he had a great one. So Lucy, since Santos doesn't have an email maybe you can show him that his membership is....
But we are considering his membership and will soon be initiated into the real deal. (this includes you as well) Anyhow, how about the breakfast club give Santos a little birthday shout out! So log on and leave our newest "under construction" member a birthday wish!
And while we're on the subject of "birthday" I also wanted to send a birthday wish to Alex & Adrian who celebrated their birthday on April 28th. If you haven't wished them a happy birthday ... its better late than never!
Hope everyone is having a great week!
Love always,
Capitan #3

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Special Day....

Attention, attention we have a special announcement.!!!!!!
Today is one of our member's birthday!!!! And as "Baby Capitan" I had to send a birthday shout out to our boy! So Marvin we dedicate this blog to you and from everyone in the club we wish you a VERY Happy Birthday and may God bless you with many more.

Since we are dedicating this day to you, I had to put some things on here that represent you. Enjoy Uncle Marv!!!

Go Go go shorty, its your birthday , we're gonna party like its your birthday. We're gonna drink Bacardi like its your birthday!!!
Love always,

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our first blog...

Hello breakfast club! Welcome to our first blog. This is the spot where we will discuss anything and everything you can think of. Thanks to Lily we found a reason to blog!

So what is the purpose of our blog? Well this is where we will discuss this new book Lily has talked to us about. Here is the deal....since we've all agreed to read this book and have "discussions" about it we will have an update from everyone on Wednesday.

Here is our first one....enjoy!

What drives your life?

There are hundreds of circumstances, values, and emotions that can drive your life. Here are the five most common ones:

1) Many people are driven by guilt- They spend their entire life running from regrets and hiding their shame. They allow their past to control their future. We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it. The bible says- "what happiness for those whose guilt has been forgiven...what relief for this who have confessed their sins and God has cleared their record."
2) Many people are driven by resentment and anger- They hold on to hurts and never get over them. Resentment always hurts you more than it does the person you resent. This who have hurt you in the past cannot continue to hurt you now unless you hold on to the pain through resentment ....your past is past!
3) Many people are driven by fear- Fear driven people often miss great opportunities because they're afraid to venture out. Fear is a self-imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends you to be.
4) Many people are driven by materialism- Their desire to acquire becomes the whole goal of their life. Possessions only provide temporary happiness....Self-worth and net-worth are not the same. Wealth can be lost instantly through a variety of uncontrollable factors. Real security can only be found in that which can never be taken from you-your relationship with God.
5) Many people are driven by need for approval- They allow the expectation of parents, or spouses, or children or teachers, or Friends control their lives. Those who follow the crown usually get lost in it and remember that one key to failure is to try to please everyone

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About Me

Houston, Tx, United States
Our name comes from a long history of events and with history comes a great group of messies.From "messy#1 to messy#5"we've created this blog to add one more piece of history to our list!~